The World Press Freedom Day is a time to reflect on the importance of a free press in upholding democracy, fostering transparency, and ensuring accountability

Everybody on this planet has something to say about the press, and I`m talking about the MSM (Mainstream Media). The fun fact is that most people don`t call it MSM anymore, but Legacy Media. And that for a reason.

May 3 is an important day. Not only for the press, but for all the citizens of the planet. Today it is the World Press Freedom Day, and this day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993.

On the 3rd of May, the world once again comes together to commemorate World Press Freedom Day. A time to reflect on the importance of a free press in upholding democracy, fostering transparency, and ensuring accountability.

As we mark this occasion in 2024, the role of the press in the digital age takes center stage, presenting unprecedented opportunities, and formidable challenges.

Press freedom lies at the heart of democratic societies, serving as a cornerstone of liberty, and progress. It empowers journalists to hold power to account, uncover truths, and amplify voices that might otherwise go unheard.

A free press i essential for informing the public, shaping public discourse, and safeguarding the values of democracy.

The Richard Nixon Foundation applies the legacy and vision of President Richard Nixon, America’s relentless grand strategist, to defining issues facing our nation and the world.

But today we are all facing new challenges. The proliferation of misinformation, and disinformation has blurred the lines between fact and fiction, undermining trust in traditional media outlets, and eroding the foundations of informed decision-making.

Previously, printed media wanted a good story to sell as much newspapers as possible. Today, the printed press is slowly dying, and the digital era has changed the game. They still want a good story, but now they want clicks and as much views as possible. At any cost.

In 2024, World Press Freedom Day is dedicated to the importance of journalism, and freedom of expression in the context of the current global environment crisis. Awereness of all aspects of the global environmental crisis, and its consequences is essential to build democratic societies.

Jornalistic work is indispensable for this purpose.

To achieve sustainable development, it is necessary for jornalists to report accurately, timely, and comprehensively on environmental issues, and their consequences, as well as on possible solutions.

Journalists and Media isn`t always doing the right thing, and that`s why so many people around the world have lost their trust, and listen more to blogs on internet. Former U.S President Richard Nixon warned us all about this decades ago.

In 1983, Nixon said the problem is that Media has a sense of self-righteousness. A double standard on issue after issue after issue. They can find everything wrong with somebody else, but they will not look inside, and never admit that they could be wrong themselves.

«Presidential power is limited. Limited by the courts. Limited by the congress. The media`s power is unlimited». Nixon said.

Nixon was concerned about the media landscape at that time, but he also talked about the competition. There is only on paper, he said. The Washington Post is the only major newspaper being printed in the most important capital in the world.

«I wouldn`t like to leave the fate of this country to the editors of the Washington Post,» Nixon said.

The first amendment has been abused by reporters. It`s used basically as a license, he said. Nixon said that the case «Sullivan versus New York Times» is an affect, a license to lie. Because they can tell an untruth. Print an untruth, which some of them consciously do.

They do it because they will sell newspapers, and some of them can win a prize. And then they can always get behind the barrier under that case of saying: «Well I didn`t intend any malice. I had no malice. They will do anything to get a story, and ratings matters.

John F. Kennedy talked about the same. So did Eisenhower. But Nixon also said that he believe in a free press. He didn`t want government control under any circumstances or government censorship of either radio, television or newspaper.

I`m simply suggesting here that all of the media should look within themselves. Look in the mirror now and then, rather than looking out there to others, Nixon said.

World Press Freedom Day 2024 serves as a timely reminder of the indispensable role that a free press plays in upholding democracy, fostering accountability, and safeguarding human rights. As we confront the challenges of the digital age, let us renew our commitment to defending press freedom, and nurturing a media environment (online and offline) where truth can flourish, and democracy can thrive!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and may not reflect those of The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided; however, neither nor the author can guarantee such accuracy. This article is strictly for informational purposes only. It is not a solicitation to make any exchange in precious metal products, commodities, securities, or other financial instruments. and the author of this article do not accept culpability for losses and/ or damages arising from the use of this publication.

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Could something catastrophic like Apocalypse or Armageddon occur during the Total Solar Eclipse?

The last solar eclipse in the United States occured on Monday, August, 21, 2017, and now it`s happening again. A total eclipse will take place on Monday, April 8, 2024, visible across North America, and dubbed the Great North American Eclipse by some media.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the sun, thereby obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. Parts of North America will go dark on Monday because the total solar eclipse will pass overhead.

Photo by Eclipse Chasers on

Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun`s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing.

Viewing any part of the bright Sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the front of the optics will instantly cause severe eye injury.

The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse is different than the 2017 Eclipse. Seven years ago, the longest period of totality was experienced near Carbonadal, Illinois, at 2 minutes, 42 seconds. For the upcoming eclipse, totality will last up to 4 minutes, 28 seconds, in an area about 25 minutes northwest of Torreôn, Mexico.

In 2017, an estimated 215 million U.S. Adults (88% of U.S. Adults) viewed the solar eclipse, either directly or electronically. Experts claim that everyone should see at least one in their life, because they`re just so spectacular. They are emotion-evoking natural events.

If you go to Texas on Monday, you will probably meet other people who like to see the total eclipse as well. But one fun part of experiencing an eclipse can be watching the people around you. They may yell, they scream, they cry, they hug each other, and that`s because it`s such an amazingly beautiful event.

Two planets, and maybe a comet could also be spotted. Venus will be visible 15 degrees west-southwest of the sun 10 minutes before totality, according to Astrnonmy. Jupiter will also appear 30 degrees to the east-northeast of the sun during totality, or perhaps a few minutes before. Venus is expected to shine more than five times as bright as Jupiter.

But another celestrial object that may be visible is Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, about six degrees to the right of Jupiter. With its distinctive circular cloud of gas, and a long tail, has been really putting on a great show in the sky, ahead of the eclipse.

For various reasons, occurrences like this also attract eccentric notions and outlandish conspiracies. One of them suggests that the eclipse will trigger a massive human sacrifice. People will supposedly be drawn into a black hole. Many Christians have stockpiled food and opt to remain at home on Monday.

Other bizarre theories allege that “elites” will exploit the eclipse to manipulate humanity, influence the presidential election, and control everything imaginable.

Only in America could a total solar eclipse herald the apocalypse and simultaneously impact an election. Nearly every generation believes they are witnessing the end of days. Perhaps we are. However, there’s no definitive way to ascertain if we are hurtling towards Armageddon or merely encountering a darkened sky for a brief moment.

The rarity and nearly inconceivable nature of events like a total solar eclipse leave human beings feeling insignificant, vulnerable, and somewhat apprehensive of the unknown. Without the sun, our sole source of natural light, warmth, and energy, could something catastrophic occur? If so, what? Would we be able to cope? Are we adequately prepared?

We suddenly come to realize that we aren’t in complete control of everything. This is why certain individuals begin embracing outlandish theories and scenarios of apocalypse.

The next total eclipse in the U.S. won`t happen until March 30, 2033, when totality will reportedly only across parts of Alaska. The next eclipse in the 48 contiguous states is expected to occur on August, 12, 2044, with parts of Montana and North Dakota experiencing totality.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and may not reflect those of The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided; however, neither nor the author can guarantee such accuracy. This article is strictly for informational purposes only. It is not a solicitation to make any exchange in precious metal products, commodities, securities, or other financial instruments. and the author of this article do not accept culpability for losses and/ or damages arising from the use of this publication.

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WSJ`s website organic traffic is down from around 30 million to around 10 million

The owner of X came out with a new message; Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is dying. A picture was added on top of that, and it shows how WSJ`s website organic traffic is declining. This is happening at a time were people around the world are searching on X for real good news.

As we can see from the chart below, WSJ`s website organic traffic is down from around 30 million to around 10 million. According to data shared by Elon Musk, in November 2023 in the United States, X on desktop witnessed impressive search engine (SE) traffic, driven organically by Google, reaching 650.9 million.

In contrast, Meta`s Facebook and Instagram trailed behind with 520,7 million, and 496,5 million, respectively.

Most of the X`s traffic comes from the United States (20,85%). Second is China (9,88%). Third is Turkey (6,67%), followed by United Kingdom (5,15%).

It`s worth noting that fluctuations in website traffic are common for many online platforms due to various factors such as changes in algorithms, shifts in user behavior, and competition from other websites or platforms.

If the Wall Street Journal`s website organic traffic were indeed declining as much as we see on the chart above, it would be a significant concern for the publication, and they would likely be strategizing ways to address this issue, such as through content optimization, marketing efforts, or technological enhancements.

It seems like X is taking over the landscape of real good news.

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The West is declining and a nuclear war with Russia is the end of our civilization

Russia`s President Vladimir Putin gave a speech today. He delivered his Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place in Gostiny Dvor in Moscow.

«The so-called West, with its colonial practices, and penchant for inciting ethnic conflicts around the world, not only seeks to impede our progress, but also envisions a Russia that is a dependent, declining, and dying space where they can do as they please.

In fact, they want to replicate in Russia what they have done in numerous other countries, including Ukraine: sowing discord in our home, and weakening us from within. But they were wrong, which has become abundantly clear now that they ran up against the firm resolve, and determination of our multi-ethnic people», Putin said in the speech.

«Together, as citizens of Russia, we will stand united in defense of our freedom, and our right to a peaceful, and dignified existence», Putin added.

Furthermore, Putin said; «We were not the ones who started the war in Donbas, but as I have already said many times, we will do everything to put an end to it, eradicate Nazism, and fulfill all the objectives of the special military operation, as well as defend sovereignty, and ensure that our people are safe».

«Here is a good example of their hypocrisy. They have recently made unfounded allegations, in particular against Russia, regarding plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space. Such fake narratives and this story is unequivocally false, are designed to involve us in negotiations on their conditions, which will only benefit the United States,» he said.

«There are reasons to suspect that the current US administration`s professed interest in discussing strategic stability with us is merely demagoguery.

They simply want to show to their citizens, and the world, especially in the lead-up to the presidential election that they continue to rule the world, that they would talk with the Russians when it will benefit them, and that there is nothing to talk about, and they will try to inflict defeat on us otherwise. Business as usual, as they say.»

«But this is unacceptable, of course. Our position is clear: if you want to discuss security and stability issues that are critical for the entire planet, this must be done as a package including, of course, all aspects that have to do with our national interests, and have a direct bearing on the security of our country, the security of Russia,» Putin said.

Putin also talked about a potential nuclear war, which would be the end of our civilization. He also said that the West is declining. This is what he said:

«We are also aware of the Western attempts to draw us into an arms race, thereby exhausting us, mirroring the strategy they successfully employed with the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

Let me remind you that in 1981 – 1988, the Soviet Union`s military spending amounted to 13 percent of GDP.

We need to shore up the forces in the Western strategic theatre in order to counteract the threats posed by NATO’s further eastward expansion, with Sweden, and Finland joining the alliance.

The West has provoked conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East, and other regions around the world while consistently propagating falsehoods. Now they have the audacity to say that Russia harbors intentions of attacking Europe.

Can you believe it?

We all know that their claims are utterly baseless.

And at the same time, they are selecting targets to strike on our territory, and contemplating the most efficient means of destruction. Now they have started talking about the possibility of deploying NATO military contingents to Ukraine.»

«But we remember what happened to those who sent their contingents to the territory of our country once before. Today, any potential aggressors will face far graver consequences.»

«Everything they are inventing now, spooking the world with the threat of a conflict involving nuclear weapons, which potentially means the end of our civilization. Don`t they realize this?

«Indeed, just like any other ideology promoting racism, national superiority, or exceptionalism, Russophobia is blinding, and stupefying.

The United States and its satellites have, in fact, dismantled the European security system which has created risks for everyone.»

«Clearly, a new equal, and indivisible security framework must be created in Eurasia in the foreseeable future. We are ready for a substantive discussion on this subject with all countries, and associations that may be interested in it.

What Putin said next is very important to understand. He talked about Russia as a sovereign country. That is very different from a Russia controlled by the EU. What Putin talks about is very similar to what President Najib Bukele in El Salvador talks about.

It is their own sovereignty and freedom. Bukele said that globalization in El Salvador is dead. They want to rule their own country and have their own freedom. Out with the globalists, he said.

Putin talks about the same, but when it comes to Russia, he talks about the «balance of Power.» If the EU takes over Russia, it can fall into a gigantic dictatorship, and everyone in Europe will end up like slaves and losers. This is what Putin said in his speech:

«At the same time, I would like to reiterate (I think this is important for everyone) that no enduring international order is possible without a strong, and sovereign Russia.»

«We strive to unite the global majority`s efforts to respond to international challenges, such as the turbulent transformation of the world economy, trade, finance, and technology markets, when former monopolies, and stereotypes associated with them are collapsing.»

Europe has throughout history tried to take control of other countries, and they have earned a lot of money on it. But that era is coming to an end. Now, it is different. Europe is declining, and Putin talked about it in his speech today. He said:

«For example, in 2028, the BRICS countries with account taken of the new members will create about 37 percent of global GDP, while the G7 numbers will fall below 28 percent.

These figures are quite telling because the situation was completely different just 10 or 15 years ago. You have heard me say it publicly before. These are the trends, you see.

Look, the G7 countries’ share in global GDP in terms of PPP stood at 45,7 percent in 1992, while the BRICS countries (this association did not exist in 1992) accounted for only 16,5 percent.

In 2022, though, the G7 accounted for 30.3 percent, while BRICS had 31,5 percent.

By 2028, the percentage will shift even more in favor of BRICS, with 36,6 percent, and the projected figure for the G7 is 27,8 percent.

(Editor: The Group of Seven is an intergovernmental political and economic forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States; additionally, the European Union is a “non-enumerated member).

There is no getting away from this objective reality, and it will remain that way no matter what happens next, including even in Ukraine,» Putin said.

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President Nayib Bukele urged people around the world to “fight against dark forces”

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele is a very popular man. He won a landslide re-election a few days ago, and people in El Salvador love him. Nearly 85% of the people voted for him. Not only that. He also received a rock-star welcome Thursday at the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) as he urged people around the world to «fight against dark forces.»

Bukele has done a great job. He has fixed most of the problems in El Salvador. «It took 50 years, two wars, 250,000 deaths, a third of the population displaced, and a near miracle to get our country back,» Bukele said in the speech.

He also had a warning to the next U.S. president: «The next president of the United States must not only win an election, he must have the vision, the will, and the courage to do whatever it takes, and above that, he must be able to identify the underlying forces that will conspire against him,» Bukele said at the gathering in National Harbor, Maryland, south of Washington.

«These dark forces are already taking over your country,» he added.

People in El Salvador were sleeping They didn`t see what was going on. Gang criminals recruited young people to join them. They started as criminals, but then they changed and transformed into a group of unscrupulous terrorists. In addition; most of them perform Satanic rituals. And this is well documented, Bukele said.

The government back then didn`t deal with the disease. Nor the next, and the ones after that. They didn`t see it. They didn`t understand it.

It started mild but became worse and worse, and this is what we can see in other places like New York where crime and drugs have become the daily norm. (Editor: What about Sweden?).

In less than a decade, gangs took control of the country and our society. They evolved into a parallel government controlling elections, and even political parties. Every aspect of the daily life of most of the people was controlled by the gangs.

The murder capital of the world is a tragic title to hold. But we have removed corrupt judges, and corrupt attorneys, and prosecutors, Bukele said with a big applause. The prosecutors cooperated with the gang members. They sat them free.

The corrupt system worked in tandem with the so-called International Community. In addition; we had a lot of fake news, just like the United States.

Unelected bureaucrats are trying to instate public policy. Who elected them? They don`t have a democratic mandate. If they want to sit at the table, they should run for office. Let the people vote, Bukele said.

The same things are happening all over the world. Not only in El Salvador but all over the world.

At the end of the speech, Bukele said high taxes aren`t a problem in the United States. The problem is that it`s not funding the government. The problem is very shocking, he said. The real problem is that you pay high taxes only to uphold the illusion that you are funding the government, which you are not. It`s shocking, but it’s true, he said.

The government is funded by money printing. Paper backed with paper. A bubble that will burst.

The situation is worse than it seems because if most Americans and the rest of the world were to become aware of this price, confidence in your currency would be lost. The dollar will fall, and the Western Civilization with it.

(Editor: Bukele didn`t talk about Bitcoin, but he and El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as an official currency in 2021).

President Nayib Bukele turned El Salvador from the Most Dangerous country in the world to the safest in the Western hemisphere. Bukele must be doing something right. What a rock star. He will continue to fight against the Global elites and globalization.

The people of El Salvador have woken up, and so can you, president Nayib Bukele said.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and may not reflect those of The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided; however, neither nor the author can guarantee such accuracy. This article is strictly for informational purposes only. It is not a solicitation to make any exchange in precious metal products, commodities, securities, or other financial instruments. and the author of this article do not accept culpability for losses and/ or damages arising from the use of this publication.

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